Renewable energy consumption surpasses nuclear
With hydroplants running at full capacity and nuclear plants on seasonally maintenance shutdowns, renewables surpass nuclear in US energy generation.
With hydroplants running at full capacity and nuclear plants on seasonally maintenance shutdowns, renewables surpass nuclear in US energy generation.
After commencing power imports from Ecuador, the Peruvian minister of mining and energy lifts energy rationing in the industrial north of the country.
With a lack in transmission capacity and hydro power in the mining areas of the north, the mines and energy ministry has announced energy rationing in the north.
India’s Tehri Hydro Development Corp awards Alstom the EUR285m contract for a 1000MW variable speed pumped storage hydro power plant.
The World Policy Institute (WPI) has warned that some of renewables-based energy potential may not be realised as water shortages limited generation in some parts of the world.
Volkswagen invests in second hydropower plant for its São Paulo production facilities, to come online in 2013.
Following its Framework Agreement of March 2010, the EIB has granted a loan for the Laja run-of-river hydropower plant.
HidroAysen’s US$3.2bn hydropower project gets environmental approval, offering an extra 20% of supply in the long-term to alleviate the country’s increasing energy deficit.
China to upgrade the role of rural hydropower capacity, aiming to raise its capacity to 74GW by 2015.
Russian utility ZARS injects US$700m into Tanzania’s largest independent hydropower project, helping the East African country to meet nearly a quarter of its hydro power requirement.
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