Nigeria again delays power sector privatisation
Nigeria’s privatisation agency announced on Monday a new timeframe for selling off its state-owned power assets, delaying the announcement of the preferred bidders until October.
Nigeria’s privatisation agency announced on Monday a new timeframe for selling off its state-owned power assets, delaying the announcement of the preferred bidders until October.
Siemens Energy and Prysmian are to build a EUR1.1bn submarine DC interconnector in the Irish Sea, upgrading the grid connection between Scotland and England.
Germany’s power grid regulator BnetzA warned about potential shortfalls in baseload power capacity in southern Germany.
US oil group Exxon Mobil downplayed prospects for a European shale gas boom, saying commercial production is at least five years away.
Britain must not lose its lead in the development of marine energy like it did with wind power, and should focus on reducing costs and setting ambitious deployment targets beyond 2020, a report by a parliamentary committee said.
EU officials are expected to vote on 23 February on a draft law that would label fuel produced from tar or oil sands as more polluting than that from other forms of oil. The proposal is drawing the ire of Canada and some European states.
Cold weather drives France to import power from Germany as French turn electric heating systems on full.
South Korea imports more coal in January with Australia and Indonesia as key suppliers.
GE awarded contract for Egemer’s Erzin combined-cycle gas turbine power plant.
TransCanada hopes to be third-time lucky when it seeks US approval for its Keystone XL project.
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